Join us this Advent Season

Advent Feast and Festival:  Sunday, December 8, 4-7 pm in the Gym

CE is excited to announce this year's Feast and Festival for Sunday, December 8th, from 4 pm to 7 pm. We will have dinner, music, fellowship and fun. This is an all-family event and is sure to be a great time. We gather at 4 pm for the start of fellowship and dinner will follow at 4:30 pm. A complete ham dinner with all of the sides! Members are encouraged to bring their favorite Advent Season dessert!

After dinner, stay with us as we have our annual "ugly" sweater contest, sing Christmas Carols, and a perform a special presentation of the "12 Days of Christmas"! For anyone who is interested, after dinner we will have a handmade Christmas Card class in Room 202, with Melanie Pepperman leading the class.

Sign up HERE on Realm or in the Gathering Place. Come one, come all - it will be the highlight of your Advent Season! 

Blue Christmas Service

December 10, 7:00 pm in the Meeting House

This is a gentle, contemplative service for those who are sad, carrying pain, or loss during this season of celebration.

We welcome all who may find comfort with us.

Christmas Cantata Sunday

Sunday, December 15, 11:00 am

After the beautiful Christmas Cantata at 11 am in the Meeting House, join us for refreshments in the Gathering Place.

Christmas Breakfast

Sunday, December 22nd, 9:00 am

Will be put on by the CE Youth. Come and enjoy a full breakfast of eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, pastry, coffee and juice, in the gym and then take a walk to the Meeting House to enjoy the beautiful Christmas Service at 11 am.

Sigh up HERE on Realm, or use the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Place.

Live Nativity

Tuesday, December 24th

This year join us between the 2 Christmas Eve Services for our Live Nativity!

Enjoy a live nativity, singing of Christmas carols, and refreshments!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Tuesday, December 24th in the Meeting House

5:00 pm:  Children and Families Service

7:00 pm:  Traditional Candlelight Service

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