Silver Spring Presbyterian Church Small Groups

FALL 2024

Call the church office if you have any questions!  717-766-0204

Or contact Pastor Lisa Chase.

Forensic Faith

In Forensic Faith, cold-case detective and author of the Cold-Case Christianity series, J. Warner Wallace teaches readers how to make the Case for Christ, by learning the different components to make the case!   This series will provide participants with a template to become "effective Christian Case Makers," by helping them understand they have a duty to defend the truth, master the evidence for Christianity, how to employ the techniques used by police detectives to present evidence and develop a training strategy to master the available evidence for Christianity

The group will meet Fridays from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., beginning April 19 through May 17, in room 204. The participant's guide will be provided for the class. 

Sign up HERE on Realm, or use the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Place.

The Art of Kintsugi

We all carry scars. Some are visible. Many are invisible, but we still feel them. Or we struggle with the pursuit of perfection, but feel stymied and weighed down by our imperfections. God can make something beautiful out of those scars and imperfections just like a Kintsugi artist makes gorgeous pottery out of broken pieces, gluing the pieces together and sealing the pottery with real silver or gold paint.

On three consecutive Saturdays, beginning April 27 at 10:30, join Pastor Lisa (room TBD), as we learn the Kintsugi art form and study Jesus's healing miracles and his love for us. 


Participants will be provided a journal, a piece of pottery or china (or they may bring their own) and Biblical passages denoting healing. During the process, a person's pottery piece will be gently broken, then glued back together. The broken places will be painted with artificial gold or silver paint. Members of the class keep their art piece, to remind them that what seems broken, can be made beautiful again, with God's help. We focus on our own imperfections, but God sees our beauty.

There is space for up to 8 people. For more information, please contact Pastor Lisa at

Sign up HERE on Realm or use the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Place.

Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study

Join this long-standing and faithful group on Wednesday afternoons as they read and discuss Priscilla Shirer’s He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God with forward by Beth Moore. This group meets at 1 pm (gathers earlier for lunch), in the Parlor. 

The study will begin in September. Newcomers always welcome! 

“Praying for our Children” Small Group on Fridays

Join Pastor Lisa on Fridays for a Small Group on prayer, every Friday from 10:30 am - 12 noon in Room 204. Special focus will be on our children (young, school-age, and adults). Sign up is available in the Gathering Place or on Realm - click HERE. There will be a strict code of confidentiality regarding the topics about which we pray.

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